审核日志报告不适用于* .mp4文件


我们的SharePoint 2013团队网站用于托管每日&月度报告-* .xls,*.pdf和最近的* .mp4(网络研讨会).最近,该站点已打开审核日志记录,以更好地捕获谁在访问报告以及访问频率,以便我们能够 了解价值并更好地定位目标读者.

Our SharePoint 2013 team site is used to host daily & monthly reports - *.xls, *.pdf and recently *.mp4 (a webinar). Recently audit logging was switched on for the site to better capture who was accessing reports and on what frequency, such that we could understand value and better target readers.

但是,虽然登录对Excel和PDF文档的访问似乎不错,但对* .mp4的访问日志却很糟糕-屡屡碰碰.

However, while logging for access to Excel and PDF docs seems OK, the logging of access to the *.mp4 is poor - very hit and miss.

流行趋势记录归零,并且自定义审核日志报告获得了一些点击,但绝不是对这些文件的所有点击(基于已知的反馈,即收件人已经观看了视频并提供了问题/反馈,但未记录其ID) .我个人 测试了PC或iOS设备的访问权限是否有所不同-对我而言没有(即记录了两条路由).

Popularity Trends records ZERO and Custom Audit Log Report picks up a few but by no means all clicks on these files (based on known feedback, i.e. recipients have watched the video and provided questions/feedback, but their ID was not logged). I have personally tested whether PC or iOS device access makes a difference - for me, it did not (i.e. both routes were recorded).


Seeking help to understand how to gather these statistics.


Hi SunriSe22,


What did you mean that Custom Audit Log Report picks up a few but by no means all clicks on these files?

.mp4文件存储在哪里?文档库还是其他类型库? .mp4文件是否与您测试的这些Excel和pdf文件位于同一库中?

Where did you store the .mp4 files? A document library or another type library? Are the .mp4 files in the same library with these Excel and pdf files that you tested?


Please check if your search could work well.


Please run the following timer job:

  Microsoft SharePoint Foundation使用情况数据导入
  Analytics for Search服务应用程序

 Microsoft SharePoint Foundation Usage Data Import
 Analytics for Search service application


Then check again, let's know the result.

