

我在我的python代码中使用远程mongodb数据库.访问数据库的代码和数据库本身位于两台不同的计算机上.我正在使用的pymongo模块版本是1.9+. 该脚本包含以下代码:

Im working with a remote mongodb database in my python code.The code accessing the database and the database itself are on two different machines. The pymongo module version im using is 1.9+. The script consists of the following code:

 for s in coll.find({ "somefield.a_date" : { "$exists":False },
                               "somefield.b_date" : { "$exists":False }}):
            original = s['details']['c_date']

            utc = from_tz.localize(original).astimezone(pytz.utc)

            s['details']['c_date'] = utc

            if str(type(s['somefield'])) != "<type 'dict'>":
                     s['somefield'] = {}

            s['somefield']['b_date'] = datetime.utcnow()

            coll.update({ '_id' : s['_id'] }, s );

运行此代码后,发生了一件奇怪的事情.最初在集合中有数百万条记录,运行该脚本后,仅剩余29%的记录,其余的被自动删除. PyMongo驱动程序1.9+版是否存在任何已知问题? 可能还有其他原因导致这种情况,以及以什么方式我可以找出确切发生了什么情况?

After running this code, a strange thing happened. There were millions of records in the collection initially and after running the script,just 29% of the total records remained, the rest were automatically deleted. Is there any known issue with PyMongo driver version 1.9+ ? What could have been other reasons for this and any ways i can find out what exactly happened ?


What could have been other reasons for this and any ways i can find out what exactly happened ?

首先要检查的是是否有任何例外情况" ?


In coll.update(), you are not setting the safe variable. If there is an exception on the update, it will not be thrown.


In your code you not do not catch exceptions (which is suggested) and your update does not check for exceptions, so you have no way of knowing what's going on.

要检查的第二件事是您如何计数" ?


The update command can "blank out" data, but it cannot delete data (or change an _id).


Do you have a copy of the original data? Can you run your code on a small number of those 10 or 100 and see what's happening?


What you describe is not normal with any of the MongoDB drivers. We definitely need more data to resolve this issue.