


I saw a tutorial that said to run this:

C:\mongodb\bin\mongod.exe --config C:\mongodb\mongod.conf --remove

但是该命令不起作用,因为我的Windows的mongodb文件夹中没有 mongod.conf 文件.此外,我不想仅停止服务,而是删除所有内容,包括文件,服务等.这可能吗?

but that command does not work since there is no mongod.conf file in the mongodb folder in my Windows. Besides, I don't want to only stop the service, but to remove everythin, including files, services, etc. Is that possible?

我正在使用Windows 8.1.

I am using Windows 8.1.


C:\MongoDB\bin\mongod.exe --config C:\MongoDB\mongod.conf --remove


如果您没有 mongod.conf 和/或不再具有 .msi 安装程序(谁保留了这些东西?),那么:

If you don't have a mongod.conf and/or no longer have the .msi installer (who keeps that stuff?) then:

  1. win-key + r并运行regedit
  2. 导航到 Computer \ HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SYSTEM \ CurrentControlSet \ Services \ MongoDB (或仅剪切并粘贴此路径)
  3. 在该位置上右键单击MongoDb,然后单击删除".服务现已消失.
  4. 转到C:\ mongodb(或安装位置)并删除目录. Mongodb现在不见了.
  1. win-key + r and run regedit
  2. Navigate to Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\MongoDB (or just cut and paste this path)
  3. Once there right click on MongoDb and click Delete. Service is now gone.
  4. Goto C:\mongodb (or where you installed it) and delete directory. Mongodb is now gone.


Check your system environment variables to see if it's in your path (It will not exist unless you put it there).


Alternatively you may be able to re-download the msi and try using that.

如果您忘记先停止服务,或者如果它在服务中留下了孤儿孤岛,则以管理员身份打开CMD或其他外壳并运行命令:sc.exe delete MongoDB ...,您应该看到:[SC] DeleteService成功

If you forgot to stop the service first or if it left dead orphan in services then open CMD or other shell as administrator and run the command: sc.exe delete MongoDB ... you should see: [SC] DeleteService SUCCESS