在unix mailx中发送带有CC BCC和发件人地址的电子邮件


我想使用mailx命令从HP UNIX发送电子邮件. 我必须在电子邮件中包含抄送和密件抄送,并且必须使用特定的电子邮件地址作为发件人.

I want to send email from HP unix using mailx command. I have to include cc and bcc in my email and have to use the specific email address as the sender.


But -r (which is to define the sender's email address) will disalbe ~ commands so if i have to define the sender's email address, i cannot use ~c and ~b commands for cc and bcc.


Is there any work around???? cos these are the requirements from the user.



Just re-order the arguments to mailx command. That would give the desired result

$ echo "something" | mailx -s "subject" -b bcc_user@some.com -c cc_user@some.com  -r sender@some.com recipient@example.com