发布vs.net 3.5控制台应用程序?


我有一个c#控制台应用程序,在vs.net 3.5中无法成功发布.






I have a c# console application that I''m having trouble publishing successfully in vs.net 3.5.

I''m looking to publish with the intent of compiling my app into the .net installer so the application can be passed around and installed by co-workers. I set my solution configuration to "Release", then select "Publish". It takes me through the process of publishing my application and seems to work successfully (it successfully creates a "Setup.exe" installation file which can then be opened and run).

The problem though is once the application is run on a different machine and the user tries to run the application, they receive errors basically related to the applications inability to locate required DLL files.

These DLL files are 3rd party DLL''s that I included into my project. They run fine on my machine but when I send this application to other machines, the application has no idea where these DLL''s are.

Am I missing something during the publishing process that would prevent 3rd party DLL''s from being included?


You need to create a setup project for this. Publish refers to Click-Once deployment, which would be a better option I believe. Users can install from a single location, not pass around an installer, and you can update the files and be assured everyone will have the same version.