

我正在使用c#代码和电子表格light dll导出Excel.我正在尝试将图片插入excel,在本地计算机上一切正常,但在实时网站上却出现以下错误

I am exporting an excel using c# code and spreadsheetlight dll. I am trying to insert a picture into excel, everything works well on local machine but on live web site it gives following error

Access to the path 'F:\sitesroot\0\Images\Logo.png' is denied


string filePath = Server.MapPath("~/Images/Logo.png");
SLPicture pic = new SLPicture(filePath); //SLPicture - An inbuilt class for inserting image


Currently what I am doing is manually providing access rights on IIS server but which is not the correct way to go since each time I upload the service I have to redo that again and again


Any expert advice - How I can provide access right through code? Or How to get rid of this error.



Assuming you are using Cloud services...

您应该为此使用本地存储( ).

You are supposed to use Local Storage for this (


  1. 在您的Cloud项目中,转到角色"的属性,然后选择本地存储".
  2. 添加一个新的本地存储,并为其命名,即"foo"和最大大小.如果这是用于临时处理而不是缓存,则可能需要勾选清除角色回收".
  3. 在您的代码中调用 RoleEnvironment.GetLocalResource("foo")以获取您可以使用的文件夹名称,然后执行类似 Path.Combine("path","Logo.png)来获取一个文件名,然后可以写入该文件名.
  1. In your Cloud project, go to the properties for the Role and select Local Storage.
  2. Add a new local storage and give it a name, i.e. "foo" and a maximum size. If this is for temporary processing rather than caching, you probably want to tick "Clean on role recycle".
  3. In your code call RoleEnvironment.GetLocalResource("foo") to get the folder name you can use and then do something like Path.Combine("path","Logo.png") to get a file name which you can then write to.