python-requests 2.0.0 - [Errno 8] _ssl.c:504:EOF违反协议


我正在使用Requests 2.0.0并且无法使用以下内容完成https GET请求:

I'm using Requests 2.0.0 and failed to complete https GET request using:



[Errno 8] _ssl.c:504: EOF occurred in violation of protocol.


I read a lot of content on the web and on this site but every where i read it says that those problems fixed in version 2.0.0.


Can anyone advice here?

服务器要求您使用SNI,这在Python 2.x中通常不可用。

The server requires that you use SNI, which isn't normally available in Python 2.x.


If you open that URL in a browser and use Wireshark to trace out the TLS handshake, you can see that Chrome proposes the server name and that the remote server uses it to determine which certificate to use.

要使其工作请求您可以使用Python 3,其中包括SNI支持以及哪些请求将透明地使用,或者您可以在请求中为Python 2.x中的SNI安装所需的依赖项来自这个答案

To make this work in Requests you can either use Python 3, which includes SNI support and which Requests will transparently make use of, or you can install the required dependencies for SNI in Python 2.x in Requests from this answer:

  • pyopenssl

  • ndg -httpsclient

  • pyasn1


Either of those solutions will make your code work correctly.