如何使用Java Driver在MongoDB中执行全文搜索命令?


Mongo和Java大师。我们的团队决定使用最近在MongoDB中引入的全文搜索API。但是,我们发现使用Java MongoDB驱动程序执行命令有些困难。

Mongo and Java gurus. Our team decided to use full text search API, introduced recently in MongoDB. However, we found some difficulties executing the command using the Java MongoDB driver.


here is my code I am using :

public BasicDBObject find(String search) {
    BasicDBObject searchCommand = new BasicDBObject();

        searchCommand.put("text", new BasicDBObject().append("search", search));

        CommandResult commandResult = db.command(searchCommand);



{ "serverUsed" : "/" , "errmsg" : "exception: wrong type for field (text) 3 != 2" , "code" : 13111 , "ok" : 0.0 }

摘自Google群组中的帖子( https://groups.google.com/forum/?fromgroups#!topic/mongodb-user/7jWUbunUcFQ ):

Taken from a post on the Google group ( https://groups.google.com/forum/?fromgroups#!topic/mongodb-user/7jWUbunUcFQ ):

    final DBObject textSearchCommand = new BasicDBObject();
    textSearchCommand.put("text", collectionName);
    textSearchCommand.put("search", textToSearchFor);
    final CommandResult commandResult = db.command(textSearchCommand);


Shows exactly how to format the command.