EWS托管的API-使用HTML正文和Outlook 2013进行约会



I'm trying to create an Appointment with an Html Body containing a Hyperlink, like it is shown in this Example:

ewsAppointment = new EwsData.Appointment(service);
ewsAppointment.Subject = "Test";
var element = new XElement("html",
                    new XElement("body",
                        new XElement("p", 
                            new XElement("a", 
                                new XAttribute("href", "http://www.google.it/"), 
                        new XElement("p", "test 2"))));

ewsAppointment.Body.BodyType = EwsData.BodyType.HTML;
ewsAppointment.Body = element.ToString();

当我在Outlook 2010中打开此约会时,正文看起来像预期的一样:

When i open this Appointment in Outlook 2010, the Body looks as expected:

但是在Outlook 2013中,主体的格式丢失了,看起来像这样:

But in Outlook 2013, the formatting of the Body is lost and it looks like this:


Any idea how i can fix this Problem?

您需要的是PR_RTF_COMPRESSED属性.它是MAPI属性,在EWS托管API和 Exchange Web服务.NET

The property PR_RTF_COMPRESSED is what you need. It is MAPI property supported as extended property in EWS Managed API and Exchange Web Services .NET