如何将我的Android应用程序连接到Google Cloud服务器


我需要连接我的Android应用,该应用从不同的Android手机获取用户注册并将帐户存储在远程数据库中,例如:Google云服务器(https://cloud.google.com/ [^ ]).我刚开始设置服务器-客户端应用程序,该如何完成呢?您能否推荐一些现有的教程或教程视频?

I''m in need of connecting my Android app which takes in User registration from different android phones and store the accounts on a remote database, i.e.: a Google cloud server (https://cloud.google.com/[^]). I''m new to setting up server-client apps so how do I get this done? Can you recommend some existing tutorials or tutorial videos please?

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