

我有一些代码,您可以在其中键入 -giverole< user> < rolename> 例如 -giverole @Soup执行董事会


I have code in which you can type -giverole <user> <rolename> e.g. -giverole @Soup Board of Executives.
What I need now is a method that checks to see if the user typing the command has a certain role.


I have code that can give a role to someone:

async def giverole(ctx, member: discord.Member, *, role: discord.Role):
    await client.add_roles(member, role)
    await client.say("The role '" + str(role) + "' has been given to " + member.mention + " .")

如果用户的排名正确,则应 await client.say()。如果不这样做,则会引发错误消息。

It should do await client.say() if the user has the right rank. If they don't, then it raises an error message.

您可以使用 commands.has_role 检查以确定调用命令的人是否具有特定角色:

You can use the commands.has_role check to determine whether or not the person invoking the command has a particular role:

@has_role("Role Name")
async def giverole(ctx, member: discord.Member, *, role: discord.Role):
    await client.add_roles(member, role)
    await client.say(f"The role '{role}' has been given to {member.mention}.")

没有角色的某人尝试调用它时, 命令。将引发CheckFailure 错误。然后,您可以处理该错误希望机器人说些什么:

When someone without the role tries to invoke it, a commands.CheckFailure error will be raised. You can then handle that error if you want the bot to say something:

async def giverole_error(error, ctx):
    if isinstance(error, CheckFailure):
        await client.send_message(ctx.message.channel, "You are lacking a required role")
        raise error