谷歌地图自动完成API V3突然停止工作



So I was surprises to find after changing no code at all that the Google Maps auto-complete API suddenly stopped working. I logged out the results to see what was happening.


I had previously been getting a lat lng from an auto-completed address as follows:

new google.maps.LatLng(from_autocomplete.getPlace().geometry.location.d, from_autocomplete.getPlace().geometry.location.e);


the d and e being the lat and lng coords. I found the error to be that the response from the autocomplete object (autocomplete.getPlace().geometry.location) is now:

k: 53.002668, A: -2.179403999999977


Why would the d and e suddenly change to a K and A? It had been working for weeks and then this changed without notice.


You used properties of internal object structure which can change any time.

几何 google.maps.places.PlaceGeometry 键入财产位置这是一个 google.maps.LatLng 类。你可以得到纬度和经度使用官方支持的纬度() LNG()方法。

geometry is google.maps.places.PlaceGeometry type with property location which is a google.maps.LatLng class. You can get latitude and longitude using officially supported lat() and lng() methods.