


I've written a DES implementation as an exercice and am now wondering if and where (triple-)DES is used today.


I've read about banking cards using it, but I can't find any reliable source for it.

三重DES仍在使用中,但被广泛认为是传统加密算法。 DES本质上是不安全的,而Triple-DES具有更好的安全性,但仍然被认为是有问题的。

Triple-DES is still in use today but is widely considered a legacy encryption algorithm. DES is inherently insecure, while Triple-DES has much better security characteristics but is still considered problematic.

NIST是标准化加密算法的*组织。最新的对称密钥加密算法NIST标准是AES,即高级加密标准。实际上,NIST的AES有很多不错的提名,包括成为AES的Rijndael算法,以及布鲁斯·施耐尔(Bruce Schneier)的Blowfish,Twofish算法和Serpent算法。

NIST is the government organization that standardizes on cryptographic algorithms. The most current symmetric-key encryption algorithm NIST standard is AES, the Advanced Encryption Standard. In fact, there were a number of good nominations to be NIST's AES, including the Rijndael algorithm which became AES, as well as Bruce Schneier's Blowfish, the Twofish algorithm, and the Serpent algorithm.