


If I have a box where people put comments, and then I display that comment like this...should I escape?

{{ c.title }}

这取决于。 Django的模板引擎会自动转义,所以你真的不需要逃脱。

Actually, it depends. Django's templating engine does escaping automatically, so you don't really need to escape.

如果您添加模板过滤器safe,如 {{c .title | safe}} 那么你确实需要担心像html注入这样的事情,因为安全标记字符串,这意味着它不会被转义。

If you add template filter "safe" like {{c.title|safe}} then you do need to worry about things like html injection, because "safe" marks the string as such and it means that it won't be escaped.

还有一个{%autoescape on%} ... {%endautoescape%}模板标签,其中on可以更改为off,如有必要。默认情况下,该标签是不需要的。

There is also an {% autoescape on %}...{% endautoescape %} template tag, where "on" can be changed to "off", if necessary. By default it's on and the tag is not needed.


Other template engines may not be escaping by default, Jinja2 is one of them.