


I have created a webservice for my asp.net application. I published my Webservice in IIS also.I have used a timer inside webservice. But when the system get restarted the service get stopped or timer get stopped. How to start it automatically after the system get restarted?

嘿shreears .....我觉得你在 windows服务之间感到困惑网络服务 ....

在系统启动时启动或停止的Windows服务.... Windows服务是为桌面应用程序构建的....


web ....或IIS中托管的网站或Web应用程序供本地使用....

当您通过IIS或Visual Studio运行WebSite时......您可以调用Web服务的所有方法....它不会不需要开始或停止....

Hey shreears..... i think you''re confused between windows services and web services....

It''s Windows service that''s gets started or stopped at system start.... and windows services are built for Desktop Applications....

While Webservices are for the websites or webapplications hosted on the
web.... or in IIS for local use....

When you run your WebSite through IIS or Visual Studio .... you can call all of the methods of the Web service.... it doesn''t needs to be started or stopped....

got it buddy !!!!!






thk u for replying it

Actually i am having a timercontrol inside my webservice.
So when ever i restart the IIS that timer control get stopped.
Hence i need to again startup that timer in webservice
how to do it if the IIS get restarted.......?

这是一个非常有趣的问题。 />




如果有很多连接并且这个过程使用了很多然后,具有一个静态变量,该静态变量包含最后一次刷新时的日期/时间。是......首先检查该值,并且只有在自上次执行该过程后 x 时间过去时才进行连接。

This is a very interesting problem.

I recommend that you create a Windows Service application that monitors when IIS is restarted....if it''s restarted then it will have to send a request to your Web Service to "restart" it.

I have no idea how you would implement this Windows Service.

Alternatively you could re-design your Web Service in such a way that it doesn''t require the timer control. Instead of having the timer control doing whatever, you could redesign your web service to do this process every connection....

If there are a lot of connections and this process uses a lot of resources, then have a static variable that contains a date/time of when the last "refresh" was....check that value first and only do the process when a connection is made if x amount of time has past since the last time the process was executed.
