Visual Studio 2015 中的项目加载失败


当我在 Visual Studio 2010 中打开 .sln 时,项目正在正确加载.但是,当我使用 Visual Studio 2015(Professional with Update 1)打开相同的解决方案时,项目未加载错误(加载失败).如下图所示:

When I am opening a .sln in Visual Studio 2010, projects are loading properly. But when I open the same solution with Visual Studio 2015 (Professional with Update 1), projects are not getting loaded with the error (load failed). This is shown below:


Can anyone suggest the solution for this?

我遇到这个问题的原因有很多,但删除所有 .vs 文件夹(在解决方案级别有一个文件夹,有些项目有自己的文件夹)对我有用我 .

I experienced this issue for different reasons , but deleting all of the .vs folders ( there was one at the solution level and some projects had their own ) worked for me .

如何:关闭解决方案,删除所有 .vs 文件夹,重新打开解决方案.

How To: Close the solution , delete all the .vs folders , reopen the solution .