


I have an image with its background blurred out. What I need to do is remove the blurred background and only keep the sharp foreground objects. Is their any way of doing this using openCV? The Image will be something like the one below. I need to detect and subtract the blurred background.


This is a priori a difficult task, because flat areas (such as the shirt) have the same appearance as the blurred ones (i.e. low gradient activity). One can try some segmentation method and rate the edge strength around every region, but this isn't straightforward.


For a poor man's solution, here is what I tried:

  • 使用边缘检测器进行二值化处理,以便将感兴趣的区域封闭起来;

  • use an edge detector and binarize so that the areas of interest are enclosed;


perform connected components analysis and select the largest blob (the blurred area);


hole-fill the blob to get a solid mask.