php fopen相对路径断开-神秘



I know "something must have been changed" but my code seems to have broken over night for no reason.


My server directory structure is something like this:



我在"scripts"文件夹中有一个脚本(假设它称为"/scripts/MyScript.php"),该脚本使用curl收集网页数据,并在审核"中保存所读取网页的带日期的副本. 文件夹.

I have a script (let's say it's called "/scripts/MyScript.php") in the "scripts" folder which gathers data from a webpage using curl, and saves a dated copy of the webpage it reads in the "audit" folder.


To write to the audit folder, I used

$ fh = fopen("./audit/2008-09-09-183000.backup.log","w");

$fh = fopen("./audit/2008-09-09-183000.backup.log","w");


however that stopped working, throwing


[function.fopen]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/web/ on line 353


I have however fixed this by changing the path to


"../audit/2008 etc." from "./audit/2008" (that's two full stops/periods, instead of one)


Logic dictates that something must have changed in the server configuration, but what? It is a dedicated server which I manage. How can I avoid something like this happening again?


I've even gone through SVN for MyScript.php and all previous versions have used the single . in the path.


Use dirname(__FILE__) to get the filesystem path for the current file. Then use relative paths from there to locate your audit directory.


For example, within scripts/MyScript.php, dirname(__FILE__) will return /home/web/ You can reliably append /../audit to that.

(请注意,这甚至可以在include d或require d文件中使用,在这种情况下,它将返回包含文件所在的目录).

(Note this even works in an included or required file—in that case it will return the directory in which the included file is located).