如何从 Tumblr API (JSON) 中提取数据?


我已经设置了一个 Tumblr 帐户并注册了我的应用程序以对其进行身份验证.

I have set up a Tumblr account and registered my application to authenticate it.

Tumblr 文档:http://www.tumblr.com/docs/en/api/v2

我理解 API 输出 JSON 如下:

I understand the API outputs JSON like this:

   "meta": {
      "status": 200,
      "msg": "OK"
   "response": {
      "blog": {
         "title": "David's Log",
         "posts": 3456,
         "name": "david",
         "url": "http:\/\/david.tumblr.com\/",
         "updated": 1308953007,
         "description": "<p><strong>Mr. Karp<\/strong> is tall and skinny, with
            unflinching blue eyes a mop of brown hair.\r\n
         "ask": true,
         "ask_anon": false,
         "likes": 12345


Thats fine, but the documentation ends there. I have no idea how to get this information and display it on my site.


I thought the way you would get it would be something like:

    url: "http://api.tumblr.com/v2/blog/myblog.tumblr.com/info?api-key=myapikey",
    dataType: 'jsonp',
    success: function(results){



results 现在是您可以用来引用 JSON 结构的对象.当您 console.log 结果对象时,它应该出现在 Javascript 开发人员控制台中,您可以在其中浏览对象树.

results is now the object you can use to reference the JSON structure. When you console.log the results object, it should appear in the Javascript developer console where you can explore the object tree.


So when your success callback receives the response, the following should be available to you:

results.meta.status => 200

results.meta.msg => "OK"

results.response.title => "大卫的日志"

results.response.title => "David's Log"

results.response.posts => 3456

results.response.name => "大卫"

results.response.url => "http://david.tumblr.com/"

results.response.updated => 1308953007

results.response.updated => 1308953007

results.response.description => "



results.response.ask => 真

results.response.ask_anon => false

results.response.likes => 12345

如果您真的想查看写入页面的内容,则需要使用修改 DOM 的函数,例如 document.write,或者,由于您使用的是 Jquery,$("#myDivId").html(results.response.title);

If you actually want to see something written to your page you'll need to use a function that modifies the DOM such as document.write, or, since you're using Jquery, $("#myDivId").html(results.response.title);


  • 在页面的某处添加<div id="myDivId"></div>,然后
  • 在您的成功回调函数中添加 $("#myDivId").html(results.response.title);
    url: "http://api.tumblr.com/v2/blog/myblog.tumblr.com/info?api_key=myapikey",
    dataType: 'jsonp',
    success: function(results){
        // Logs to your javascript console.
        // writes the title to a div with the Id "myDivId" (ie. <div id="myDivId"></div>)