


I want to create a table in dynamoDB with below structure.

  "CartId": 123,
  "UserId": 356,
  "CartItems": [
      "ProductId": 100,
      "Quantity": 50
      "ProductId": 121,
      "Quantity": 51


Everywhere in tutorials and documents it says that we can only have below type of attributes in the table:

  1. 一组字符串

  1. Set of Strings




I can't think of a way to store above structure in DynamoDB. Could you please help out?


I am using object mapper Api of java. It would be great if you can also tell me how can I create a class which can be mapped to this particular table structure.


From the JSON structure you gave, I think you are trying to make DynamoDB like a relational database, when really you should be thinking of DynamoDB as a simple flat key-value store. So instead of a table structure like you suggested, I would instead flatten it, and have many rows for each item the customer has in their cart.


Primary hashkey (UserId) | Hash range key (CartId) | ProductId | Qty
356                        123                       100         50
356                        123                       121         51


In this way, you can get all items in a cart by providing a primary key of 356, with range key 123. This is the DynamoDB way of storing indexable and queryable data. This does mean you are storing two separate rows, however.


A format like this has many advantages, in particular it enables you to create Local Secondary indices on the ProductId to find out how many customers put a particular product into their cart. It should also make it easy to see how the object mapper will work with this table structure.