如何根据 pandas 中的时间值过滤数据?



I am new to Python. I am working on pandas package to analyse the work load pattern. My dataframe contains two columns with start and end time of work. I would like to filter rows of dataframe between particular start time and end time. For e.g after 7:00:00 am and before 18:00:00 pm. I tried using the following :

(df['STime'] > '7:00:00') & (df['ETime'] < '18:00:00') 


But it returns False for all rows.

您正在比较值,这就是为什么您只获得False值的原因 将此表达式与数据框一起使用.

You are just comparing the values that's why you are getting only False values Use this expression with dataframe.

 df=df[(df['STime'] > '7:00:00') and (df['ETime'] < '18:00:00')]