


I have the following json file which contains this array structure:

  "outer": [
      "inner": [
          "value": "val1"
          "value": "val3"
      "inner": [
          "value": "val2"
          "value": "val1"
      "inner": [
          "value": "val2"
          "value": "val1"
          "value": "val3"

我想从 outer 数组中删除 inner 数组,该数组的元素具有特定的值并且具有一定的长度.例如,如果我要删除包含值"val1" "val2" inner 数组,则结果应为:

I want to delete the inner array from the outer array whose elements have specific values and and is of certain length. E.g., if I want to delete the inner array which contains values "val1" and "val2" the result should be:

  "outer": [
      "inner": [
          "value": "val1"
          "value": "val3"
      "inner": [
          "value": "val2"
          "value": "val1"
          "value": "val3"


jq 'del( .outer[]|select(.inner[0].value == "val1"))'


but I do not know how to check for the second condition, the length and on top of that the values may appear in any order.

您要查找的 jq 过滤器是:

del(.outer[] | select(.inner | map(.value) | sort == ["val1", "val2"]))

.inner |map(.value)产生一个数组,该数组包含 .inner 所包含的所有对象中与 value 键相关的值.

.inner | map(.value) produces an array that contains the values associated to the value key from all objects contained by .inner.

sort 是因为 == 对数组进行了一对一的比较.这样,无论它们的顺序如何,它都匹配 .inner 中包含的对象.当然,您必须在右侧使用排序后的数组(即 ["val1","val2"] 而不是 ["val2","val1"] 代码>).

sort is needed because == does a one-to-one comparison of arrays. This way it matches the objects contained in .inner no matter their order. Of course, you have to use a sorted array on the right-hand side (i.e. ["val1", "val2"] and not ["val2", "val1"]).
