


I have a complicated data structure that I need to convert to JSON. The problem is that my field names and values are in an array.


For instance, I have the following (simplified from my code base):

let SampleData = [
        { Field: 'Key', Value: '7'},
        { Field: 'City', Value: 'Some City'},
        { Field: 'Description', Value: 'Some Description'}


Basically my data is an array where the first element is the database column name, and the second element is the data in the column. I am trying to get a JSON object that is:

{ Key: 7, City: 'Some City', Description: 'Some Description' }


My real code has the fields and data is structures within the object, so I cannot simply use an Object.create() or Object.assign() as far as I can get working.


I have tried looping through to build a simple string and then use the JSON.parse to break it apart, but this seems like a lot of overhead for something I would have thought would be simpler.


As you asked, here's how to do it:

  1. 将数组映射到对象
  2. 将对象转换为JSON

let array = [{
    Field: 'Key',
    Value: '7'
    Field: 'City',
    Value: 'Some City'
    Field: 'Description',
    Value: 'Some Description'

// #1 Mapping the array to an object...
let obj = {};
array.forEach(item => obj[item.Field] = item.Value);

// #2 Converting the object to JSON...
let json = JSON.stringify(obj);
