UIImagePickerController在iOS 8中无法正确显示



I'd like to present an UIImagePickerController with the following code:

self.pickerController = [[UIImagePickerController alloc] init];
self.pickerController.sourceType = UIImagePickerControllerSourceTypePhotoLibrary;
self.pickerController.delegate = self;

[self presentViewController:self.pickerController animated:YES completion:nil];

它适用于iOS 7及以下版本,但在iOS 8中我遇到以下故障:

It's working fine for iOS 7 and below, but in iOS 8 I got the following glitch:

  1. 在转换到图像选择器控制器(垂直封面动画)时,拾取器控制器的背景颜色是不可见的,显示了呈现视图控制器下方。转换完成后,选择器的表视图将突然显示而不显示动画。

  1. While transitioning to the image picker controller (vertical cover animation), the background colour of the picker controller is invisible, revealing the presenting view controller beneath. After transition is finished, the picker's table view will be displayed abruptly without animation.


Sometimes, the picker's table view is not displayed at all, and instead I got a blank black screen. The navigation bar is still there, but no bar button items whatsoever, so user has to force quit the application.


Anyone know what's going on here?


So I managed to find the cause and fix for these problems and want to document it here:

  1. 当我尝试从XCode 5.1编译到iOS 8设备时出现第一个问题。我切换到XCode 6 beta 2,现在它正常工作。

  1. The first problem occurred when I tried to compile to iOS 8 device from XCode 5.1. I switched to XCode 6 beta 2 and now it's working just fine.


The second problem occurred when I tried to reuse an UIImagePickerController that has been displayed before. Create a new instance instead before displaying, and it would be fixed.
