在响应正文中返回http 200 OK并出错


我想知道当服务器端出现错误并且响应正文内部出现错误时,返回 HTTP 200 OK 是否正确。

I'm wondering if it is correct to return HTTP 200 OK when error on server side occurred with some error inside of response body.


  1. 我们发送 http GET

  2. 服务器端出现意外情况。

  3. 服务器返回 http 200 OK 状态响应中包含错误的代码(例如 {status:发生了一些错误}

  1. We're sending http GET
  2. Something unexpected happened on the server side.
  3. Server returns http 200 OK status code with error inside a response (e.g. {"status":"some error occured"}


Is is correct behavior or not? Shouldn't we change status code?



HTTP is an application protocol. 200 implies that the response contains a payload that represents the status of the requested resource. An error message usually is not a representation of that resource.


If something goes wrong while processing GET, the right status code is 4xx ("you messed up") or 5xx ("I messed up").