jqGrid单元格内的jQuery UI菜单


我已经创建了一个网格并自定义了一个包含jquery UI菜单的列,如拆分按钮"示例

I have created a grid and customized a column to contain a jquery UI menu like in the Split Button example

除了菜单窗口出现在单元格内部会导致不良的视觉效果(也就是说,单元格的高度增加为菜单窗口腾出空间)之外,其他所有方法都工作正常. 请看下面的屏幕截图,以得到直观的解释(不要介意处于禁用状态的菜单项).

Everything works fine except for the fact that the menu window appear inside the cell causing a bad visual effect, that is, the cell height increase to make room for the menu window. Have a look at the following screenshot for a visual explanation (nevermind about the menu item in disabled state).


Is there any way way to make the menu window appear on top of the table element in term of z-index?


Thanks very much for your valuable help, community :)



The code to create the splitbutton menu is the following. First the column model markup

{ name: 'act', index: 'act', width: 80, sortable: false, search: false, align: 'center',
  formatter: function (cellvalue, options, rowObject) {
      var markup = "<div>" +
                      "<div class='actionsButtonset'>" +
                          "<button class='dshbd_ConfirmMonth' rel='" + rowObject.UmltID + "' rev='" + rowObject.IsConfirmAvailable + "' plock='" + rowObject.IsPeriodLocked + "' alt='Confirm'>Confirm</button>" +
                          "<button class='btnSelectMenu' rev='" + rowObject.IsUmltLocked + "' " + ">Select</button>" +
                      "</div>" +
                      "<ul class='actionMenu'>" +
                          "<li><a class='dshbd_UnlockMonth' href='#' rel='" + rowObject.UmltID + "' alt='Unlock'>Unlock</a></li>" +
                      "</ul>" +
      return markup;


Then, inside the gridComplete event I have the following code (please note that some code is needed to enable/disable menu items

var confirmMonthBtn = $('.dshbd_ConfirmMonth');
$.each(confirmMonthBtn, function (key, value) {
    var button = $(this);
    var umltID = button.attr('rel');
    button.button().click(function (event) {
    var isPeriodLocked = (button.attr('plock') === 'true');
    if (!isPeriodLocked) {
        var isConfirmAvailable = ($(this).attr('rev') === 'true');
        if (!isConfirmAvailable) {
            button.button({ disabled: true });
    } else {
        button.button({ disabled: true });
var currentPeriod = GetCurrentPeriod();
var period = GetCurrentViewPeriod();
var isCurrent = false;
if (currentPeriod != null && period != null) {
    isCurrent = period.PeriodID == currentPeriod.PeriodID;
var selectBtns = $('.btnSelectMenu');
$.each(selectBtns, function (key, value) {
    var button = $(this);
    button.button({ text: false, icons: { primary: 'ui-icon-triangle-1-s'} });
    button.click(function (event) {
        var menu = $(this).parent().next().show();
            my: 'left top',
            at: 'left bottom',
            of: this
        $(document).on('click', function () {
        return false;
     var menuElement = button.parent().next();
         select: function (event, ui) {
             var umltID = ui.item.children().attr('rel');
     if (!isCurrent) {
         var isPeriodLocked = ($(this).attr('plock') === 'true');
         if (isPeriodLocked) {
             menuElement.menu({ disabled: false });
         } else {
             var isUmltLocked = ($(this).attr('rev') === 'true');
             menuElement.menu({ disabled: !isUmltLocked });
     } else {
         //The current period is always unlocked
         menuElement.menu({ disabled: true });


I prepared the demo for you which demonstrates how Split Button can be used inside of jqGrid. It displays


More detailed explanation of the demo I'll post later. Probably you will understand all yourself after examining of the code.