串联具有相同ID的Pandas DataFrame行



Say I have a pandas DataFrame such as:

   A  B  id
0  1  1   0
1  2  1   0
2  3  2   1
3  0  2   1


Say I want to combine rows with the same id so that the other elements in the rows get put together in a list, so that the above dataframe would become:

     A       B     id
0  [1, 2]  [1, 1]   0
1  [3, 0]  [2, 2]   1

作为前两行,后两行具有相同的ID.熊猫有功能吗?我知道pandas groupby命令,但是我也希望返回类型也是一个数据框.谢谢.

as the first two rows, and the last two rows have the same id. Does pandas have a function to do this? I am aware of the pandas groupby command, but I would like the return type to be a dataframe as well. Thanks.

您可以使用 tolist 方法:

You could use groupby for that with groupby agg method and tolist method of Pandas Series:

In [762]: df.groupby('id').agg(lambda x: x.tolist())
         A       B
0   [1, 2]  [1, 1]
1   [3, 0]  [2, 2]


groupby return an Dataframe as you want:

In [763]: df1 = df.groupby('id').agg(lambda x: x.tolist())

In [764]: type(df1)
Out[764]: pandas.core.frame.DataFrame


To exactly match your expected result you could additionally do reset_index or use as_index=False in groupby:

In [768]: df.groupby('id', as_index=False).agg(lambda x: x.tolist())
   id       A       B
0   0  [1, 2]  [1, 1]
1   1  [3, 0]  [2, 2]

In [771]: df1.reset_index()
   id       A       B
0   0  [1, 2]  [1, 1]
1   1  [3, 0]  [2, 2]