


I've found a lot of solutions for a static structure, but nothing for a dynamic one. Here's the simple use case...

let nested = deepNest(array, ["criteria1", "criteria2", ...])


deepNest(people, ["gender", "color"]);

// result
    male: {
        blue: {
            0: {name: "Jim", color: "blue", gender: "male"},
            1: {name: "Sam", color: "blue", gender: "male"}
        green: {
            0: {name: "Eddie", color: "green", gender: "male"}
    female: {
        blue: {
            0: {name: "Eva", color: "blue", gender: "female"},
        green: {
            0: {name: "Susan", color: "green", gender: "female"}


const people = [
    name: "Jim",
    color: "blue",
    gender: "male"
    name: "Susan",
    color: "green",
    gender: "female"
    name: "Sam",
    color: "blue",
    gender: "male"
    name: "Eddie",
    color: "green",
    gender: "male"
    name: "Eva",
    color: "blue",
    gender: "female"

请记住,分组必须是动态的,即数组可以嵌套,如 deepNest(people, ["gender"])deepNest(人物,[颜色",性别",姓名"])

Keep in mind that the grouping has to be dynamic i.e. the array can be nested like deepNest(people, ["gender"]) or deepNest(people, ["color", "gender", "name"])


Here's some code that works with recursion. It first finds all the options for the first query, and then recursively calls itself with the array of the objects with the same value for the given query, and at the deepest point, if there is no more queries, it returns the array of objects that meet all the previous queries.


I can answer any questions about this, but I feel like this is explained enough in the comments and this description.

const people = [
    name: "Jim",
    color: "blue",
    gender: "male"
    name: "Susan",
    color: "green",
    gender: "female"
    name: "Sam",
    color: "blue",
    gender: "male"
    name: "Eddie",
    color: "green",
    gender: "male"
    name: "Eva",
    color: "blue",
    gender: "female"

const deepNest = (arr, [first, ...rest]) => {
  let output = {};
  if (first) {
    let options = [...arr.reduce((set, val) => set.add(val[first]), new Set())].sort(); // Get the options (Set() is a built in thing to remove duplicates), and the sort them alphabetically
    for (let option of options) {
      let val = arr.filter((val) => val[first] === option); // Get the values that have the same value for the option for the query
      output[option] = deepNest(val, rest); // Recursion
  } else {
    output = arr;
  return output;

display(deepNest(people, ["gender", "color"]), ["gender", "color"]);
display(deepNest(people, ["color", "gender"]), ["color", "gender"]);
display(deepNest(people, ["color", "name", "gender"]), ["color", "name", "gender"]);

// My own custom display function, since console.log() makes it look wack
function display(json, query) {
  const div = document.createElement("div");
  const h2 = document.createElement("h2");
  h2.innerText = `["${query.join("\", \"")}"]`;
  const pre = document.createElement("pre");
  pre.innerText = JSON.stringify(json, null, 2);

body {
  background: whitesmoke;

pre {
  color: black;
  background: white;
  border: 2px solid black;
  border-radius: 1rem;
  padding: 1rem;