


I've been looking for a good how to on this topic for the last 4 days and could not find any. Even worse; I'm not able to think of a good description of what I'm trying to achieve.


For example Dropbox has the functionality of what I would like to implement on my own website. If you login into dropbox you can upload files. When you upload files one by one the UI stacks the results (filename, location, etc.) into a div element. There are other websites who also do this; Namecheap, for example, when you search for a domain and click add to cart you see the domain show up on the right side, where you have the option to delete it.

我想做什么: 有一个带有搜索框的页面,可以在我的数据库中查询对象并将结果显示到下面的div元素中.每次用户进行新搜索时,该div元素中的结果都会更改.但是,如果用户单击添加到"按钮,则该对象必须从search_results div元素移动到同一页面上的另一个div元素,其中还列出了所有先前选择的元素.然后,用户可以从列表中删除对象或更改对象的值,例如数量.

What I would like to do: Have a page with a search box that queries my database for objects and displays the results into a div element below. Everytime the user does a new search the results in that div element will change. But if the user clicks on the 'add to' button the object must move from the search_results div element to another div element on the same page where all the previous selected elements are also listed. The user is then able to delete the object from the list or alter the values of the object such as the amount.


Like I said; I've been pulling my hair out because I cannot find it... I'm feeling really stupid right now :( Does anybody know what the technicall name of such a functionality is?


下面来自Quasimodo的克隆和yuriy636的评论将我推向正确的方向.在搜索了术语之后,我找到了以下页面: https://cartjs.org/

The comment below from Quasimodo's clone and yuriy636 pushed me in the right direction. After searching with there terminology I've found this page: https://cartjs.org/


The second example is exactly what I was looking for. However I'm not able to upvote a comment but I do like to give credits to both for helping me out!


Your question is quite vague but I think what I've done below can at least nudge you in the right direction.


Let's say you have something like this - a div to hold your search results, each of which is it's own div with class result, and a separate div to hold the 'moved' ones:

<div id="searchResults">
    <div class="result">This is one search result.</div>
    <div class="result">This is another result.</div>

<div id="chosenResults"></div>


Now, we can use JQuery to put in the "move" functionality:

$(document).ready(function() { //On page load
    $('.result').click(function() { //When element with class "result" is clicked
        $(this).detach().appendTo('#chosenResults'); //Remove it form the results list, add it to the other

此处正在执行: http://codepen.io/anon /pen/GqBxEp


I'm not sure where you're at in regards to the actual data retrieval, etc, however I figured knocking out the front-end as I have above may be useful for you.