



In order to insert data from this form into table I coded this:

// supplier info
$supplier_name = $_POST['supplier_name'];
$supplier_sending = $_POST['supplier_sending'];
$supplier_guarantee = $_POST['supplier_guarantee'];
$supplier_price = $_POST['supplier_price'];
$supplier_colors = $_POST['supplier_colors'];
$supplier_info = array($supplier_name, 
$supplier_sending,$supplier_guarantee, $supplier_price, $supplier_colors);
$proSupply = json_encode($supplier_info);

通过这种方式,我可以成功地将$proSupply var提交到我的表中.但正如您在打印屏幕中看到的那样,我添加了一个名为添加更多供应商:+ 的链接,它的作用基本上是在形式.因此,用户可以插入多个供应商信息.

By this way I can submit the $proSupply var successfully into my table. But as you can see in the print screen, I have added a link which is named Add more suppliers: + and what it does it basically adds a new table row to the form. So users can insert multiple supplier information.


But the problem is there is only one field at my table which should contain the Supplier Info. And because I don't know how many supplier a user wants to add, I can not specify the amount of supplier filed in MySQL table.

所以我的问题是:每当用户单击PHP中的 + 链接(例如vendor_info_1,supplier_info_2等)时,是否可以在表中创建新的自定义字段?

So my question is: Is there any way to make a new custom field in table, whenever user clicks on the + link (For example supplier_info_1, supplier_info_2 & etc) within PHP ?

更新1 :


This is the Script that provides a new row for my table form.

            var next = parseInt($('#counter').val()) + 1;
            $("#group").append("<table class='table table-hover'>
                                     <th style='padding-left:10px'>Name of supplier ("+next+")</th>
                                     <th>Terms of sending</th>
                                     <th>Colors (use , for separation)</th>
                                     <td style='padding-left:10px'><input name='supplier_name_("+next+")' type='text'></input></td>
                                     <td><input name='supplier_sending_("+next+")' type='text'></input></td>
                                     <td><input name='supplier_guarantee_("+next+")' type='text'></input></td>
                                     <td><input name='supplier_price_("+next+")' type='text'></input></td>
                                     <td><input name='supplier_colors_("+next+")' type='text'></input></td>


yes, i have a similar concept in my inventory and accounting software. you can use javascript or more preferably jquery to handle that. you can create a hidden row for a supplier. when an event is triggered base on your application, then a copy would be created to get another supplier row.