Android Studio:"更新&重新启动"不起作用


每天早上启动 Android Studio 后,我都会成为一个对话框,提供有关新版本 Android Studio(Beta)的信息.如果我单击更新并重新启动",将下载补丁(我看到进度条和不断增长的文件大小).之后,Android Studio 将重新启动,但是……未安装更新!如果我点击帮助/检查更新",我可以重复一遍.

Every morning after start of Android Studio I became a dialog with information about new version of Android Studio (Beta). If I click on "Update & Restart" the patch will be downloaded (I see the progress bar and the growing file size). After that the Android Studio will be restarted but... the update is not installed! I can repeat it if I click on "Help/Check for update".


Has anybody an idea how to fix this?


P.S. Sure it is possible to download the full version and install it manually, but it would be so convenient to use automatically updates.

我已经解决了这个问题.Android Studio 的启动方式很重要.如果我使用工作区参数启动它:

I've solved the problem. It is important how Android Studio was started. If I start it with a workspace parameter:

/android-studio/bin/ /<path_to_workspace>


所以解决方案是不带任何参数启动Android Studio.

So the solution is to start the Android Studio without any parameters.