HTML中的上标文字< input type =" submit" />


是否可以在< input> 标记的值字段中使用上标文本(例如与注册标记一起使用)?

Is it possible to use superscript text in the value field of the <input> tag (for example to use with registration mark)?

<input type="submit" name="submit" value="Sometext&reg;"/>

您可以使用<button type =submit> 元素< input type =submit> 然后,您可以在说明中包含任何您想要的标记,例如 < sup> 上标文字:

You could use the <button type="submit"> element instead of <input type="submit"> Then you can include any markup you want in the description, like, e.g., <sup> for superscripted text:

<button type="submit">someText with <sup>superscripted parts</sup> </button>