freeswitch 札记之 安装,运行

freeswitch 笔记之 安装,运行

               本文来自csdn lidp,转载注明出处,谢谢

1.       Edit modules.conffile to customize which modules are compiled bydefault


2.  Run configure script

3. Run make and make install to compile and install

4. Edit modules.conf.xml tocustomize which modules are loaded by default


5. Install the sound and music files

# make cd-sounds-install

# make cd-moh-install

可以安装高清语音文件,用make hd-sounds-install,makehd-moh-install

6. Upgrade tolatest:                       

# make current   

7. Rebuild all:

make sure  

8. Install/Re-install default config:       

make samples 


           系统默认安装在 /usr/local/freeswitch/目录,

         [root@openser-dev freeswitch]# pwd


[root@openser-dev freeswitch]# ls

bin  conf  db grammar  htdocs  include lib  log  mod recordings  run  scripts sounds  storage

[root@openser-dev freeswitch]#


[root@openser-dev freeswitch]#

/usr/local/freeswitch/bin/freeswitch –nc