IE10的Windows7 - 音频代码不会播放音频?


我在用IE10 / Windows 7中的音频标签的问题,我发现这个测试页面和奇妙,IE无法显示任何音频标签。有趣的是,当我保存文件并在本地测试它,它完美的作品(下图)

I'm having problems with the audio tag in IE10/Windows 7. I found this test page and wonderfully, IE cannot display ANY audio tag. The funny thing is when I save the file and test it locally, it works perfectly (image below)


I checked the mime types on all of the files, and it appears that they're all correct:


Next up was to check my media definitions in preferences:


What the heck? Any ideas here?

它必须与特定网页的一个问题。我可以在这里重现试验机我有错误。 (Server 2012中)

It must be a problem with that particular page. I can reproduce the error here on a test machine I have. (Server 2012)

编辑 - 刚刚发现这一点:

Edit - Just found this:



Edit 2: Seems to be permissions based. Right-clicking and selecting run as administrator allows the audio to load.