我可以在Windows 10中安装IE7和IE8吗?


我正在使用Windows 10和IE11.我想安装IE7和IE8来测试javascript.

I'm using Windows 10 and IE 11. I wanna install IE7 and IE8 to test javascript.


I followed these links to download IE7 - IE8:

https://www.microsoft.com/zh-cn/download/internet-explorer-7-details.aspx https://www.microsoft.com/zh-CN /download/internet-explorer-8-details.aspx


But, the page gave me error message:

Internet Explorer 7(8)与您的系统不兼容.

Internet Explorer 7(8) is not compatible with your system.

您正在运行64位Windows 10.尽管Internet Explorer 7(8) 将无法在您的系统上运行,您可以下载Internet Explorer 8 其他操作系统.

You are running Windows 10 64-bit. Although Internet Explorer 7(8) will not run on your system, you can download Internet Explorer 8 for other operating systems.

还有其他方法(或黑客攻击)在Windows 10中安装IE7和IE8吗?

Is there another way (or hacking) to install IE7 and IE8 in Windows 10?

虚拟机仅可用于此类情况(测试IE的旧版本).您可以在 https://dev.windows中找到它们. com/en-us/microsoft-edge/tools/vms/windows/

Virtual machines are available for just such scenarios (testing old versions of IE). You can find them at https://dev.windows.com/en-us/microsoft-edge/tools/vms/windows/

编辑 批准答案中VM的URL已更改.现在在:

EDIT The URL for VMs in the approved answer has changed. It's now at:
