在VS C ++ 6.0中,哪些调试工具可以很好地发现内存泄漏的地方?



My program eventually consumes all ram and crashes... looking through the code, I can't find anything that stands out that would do this.

是否可以修改代码以使用mallocfree的调试版本?如果是,请检查 _malloc_dbg

Could you modify the code to use the debug version of malloc and free? If yes, check _malloc_dbg and _free_dbg.


(You could write own new and delete operators based on these functions.)

我记得VS 6.0没有_realloc_dbg.

As I remember VS 6.0 has no _realloc_dbg.

#ifdef _DEBUG
#include <Crtdbg.h>
#define malloc(size) _malloc_dbg(size,_CLIENT_BLOCK,__FILE__,__LINE__)
#define free(addr) _free_dbg(addr,_CLIENT_BLOCK)