

我复制了一个Eclipse Java项目,并尝试在复制的版本上运行调试器。调试器使用旧项目的代码。在这种情况下可以做些什么?

I copied an Eclipse Java project and tried to run the debugger on the copied version. The debugger used the code of the old project. What can I do in this situation?

看看您正在使用的启动配置来启动调试器。在Package / Project Explorer中,右键单击 Debug As .. ,然后选择调试配置,并确保所有您正在使用与您的新项目一致的启动配置的详细信息。

Have a look at the launch configuration that you are using to start the debugger. In the Package/Project explorer, do right-click Debug As.. and then select Debug Configurations and make sure all of the details of the launch configuration you are using line up with your new project.