使用aSmack,Eclipse和增强的调试器调试XMPP Android客户端.


我正在使用带有Eclipse的Android XMPP库 aSmack 制作应用程序.我无法按照smack文档中的说明在单独的窗口中启动调试:

I'm making an application with the Android XMPP library aSmack with Eclipse. I can not get debug is launched in a separate window as instructed smack documentation:



I imported smackx-debug.jar inside the libs folder and I've added this line to the code:

Connection.DEBUG_ENABLED = false;

Connection.DEBUG_ENABLED = false;


The debug occurs, but in console of logcat, not a Enhanced Debugger.


aSmack is not able to use the enhanced debugger of smack. It's not possible that the Android app draws a new window on your PC running eclipse.

所有XMPP流量都会记录到Android日志中,并且可以使用DDMS或 adb shell logcat 查看.

Instead all XMPP traffic is logged to the Android log and can be viewed with DDMS or adb shell logcat.