


I've successfully used webkitGetUserMedia to capture video from my webcam on a normal webpage, but when I try to do this in the popup.html of my Chrome Extension nothing happens. I don't get any permission errors, it just never even seems to ask (the inforbar never slides down in the popup window). Is there any way around this? It doesn't look like I can give permissions in the manifest json.

这是一个便宜的黑客攻击,但如果您创建选项页面,并在JS中包含对 webkitGetUserMedia 的调用,它将在用户在选项页面中允许之后请求该扩展的所有URI的权限后台页面也有权使用它。

It's a cheap hack, but if you create an options page for your extension and include a call to webkitGetUserMedia in the JS for it, it will request permission for all URIs for that extension, after the user allows it in the options page the background page will also have permission to use it.