

我想通过Twilio从whatsapp接收语音消息.您可以在文本输入旁边用麦克风录制本机语音消息. 当我发送该消息时,我在网络挂钩中收到了该消息,但它是空的并且没有介质. 我查看了该消息的Twilio日志,上面写着:

I want to receive voice messages from whatsapp with Twilio. The native voice message you can record with the mic next to the text input. When I send that message, I get the message in the webhook but it is empty and with no media. I took a look at Twilio log of that message and it says that:

因此,似乎Twilio for WhatsApp不支持Whatsapp本地音频编码.

So it seems that Twilio for WhatsApp does not support Whatsapp native audio encoding.




I received this answer from Twilio


Hi Gustavo‍ ,

感谢您与我们联系.当前通过WhatsApp支持音频文件,但是 我们发现WhatsApp传递音频文件的方式存在问题 对我们来说,这阻止了这些语音记录的通过. WhatsApp已让我们知道这是他们将要解决的问题,因此 希望在未来几个月内解决该问题.

Thanks for reaching out. Audio files are currently supported through WhatsApp, but we discovered an issue with the way WhatsApp is passing the audio file to us that is preventing these voice recordings from coming through. WhatsApp has let us know this is something they will be addressing so look for that to be addressed in the coming months.



Hope this helps everybody