Windows Phone:如何从应用程序实例之间的媒体库中检索同一张照片



How do I retrieve the same photo from the media library between application instances? I launch the photo library for the user to select a photo via:

                        PhotoChooserTask myPhotoChooser = new PhotoChooserTask();
                        myPhotoChooser.ShowCamera = true;
                        myPhotoChooser.Completed += new EventHandler<PhotoResult>(cameraCaptureTask_Completed);


and then in the Event handler, I retrieve the file name of the selected file like this:

    private void cameraCaptureTask_Completed(object sender, PhotoResult e)
        if (e.TaskResult == TaskResult.OK)
                         string imagePath = e.OriginalFileName.ToString();


I persist this information in isolated storage so that when a user launches the application again I can retrieve the path and display the image like this:

 private  BitmapImage ConvertUriToBitmap(string pathToImage)
        StreamResourceInfo streamResInfo = null;
        Uri uri = new Uri(pathToImage, UriKind.Relative);

        streamResInfo = Application.GetResourceStream(uri); //This fails! StreamResInfo is null
        BitmapImage convertedBitmap = new BitmapImage();
        return convertedBitmap;

但是,这似乎不起作用,因为来自照片选择器的照片路径采用以下形式的引导:"\ Applications \ Data \ 02E58193-119F-42E2-AD85-C24247BE2AB0 \ Data \ PlatformData \ PhotoChooser -4edd185d-d934-4dac-8a34-758cac09d338.jpg"

However, this doesn't seem to work as the photo path from the photo chooser is some sort of guid in the form: "\Applications\Data\02E58193-119F-42E2-AD85-C24247BE2AB0\Data\PlatformData\PhotoChooser-4edd185d-d934-4dac-8a34-758cac09d338.jpg"


Application.GetResourceStream(uri) is null whenenever I switch out of the application or move between pages. Is there a better way to do this?


How do I retrieve the same path everytime so that when I tombstone or kill the app, i can retireve the file and display it? Or is there a different /more efficient way of doing it.


I found the answer in the documentation: Basically, there is a bug in the photo chooser which returns a temporary path. Microsofts recommendation is to copy the picture to isolated storage if you want to use it between app instances.