如何:内联汇编在C ++(在Visual Studio 2010中)


我写的,其中70%的时间用在200行核心模块性能关键,数字运算C ++项目。

I'm writing a performance-critical, number-crunching C++ project where 70% of the time is used by the 200 line core module.


I'd like to optimize the core using inline assembly, but I'm completely new to this. I do, however, know some x86 assembly languages including the one used by GCC and NASM.


我必须把 _asm汇编指令{} ,我想他们是。

I have to put the assembler instructions in _asm{} where I want them to be.


  • 我不知道从哪里开始。在其注册的那一刻我什么内联汇编进场?


You can access variables by their name and copy them to registers. Here's an example from MSDN:

int power2( int num, int power )
      mov eax, num    ; Get first argument
      mov ecx, power  ; Get second argument
      shl eax, cl     ; EAX = EAX * ( 2 to the power of CL )
   // Return with result in EAX

使用ASM块C或C ++ 可能还对你有意思。