以标题名称作为书签名称,以编程方式在Word 2010中生成书签


我需要在Word 2010中以编程方式生成书签,并将标头名称作为书签名称.

I need to generate bookmarks in Word 2010 programmatically, with the header name as the bookmark name.

我有以下代码使单词成为书签,但是书签名称与字符串Heading 1相同,仅在名称变量中可用:

I have the following code which makes a word a bookmark, but the bookmark name remains the same as the string Heading 1 is only available in the name variable:

Sub bookmarking()
    Selection.EndKey Unit:=wdLine, Extend:=wdExtend
    With ActiveDocument.Bookmarks
        .Add Range:=Selection.Range, Name:=" Heading 1"
        .DefaultSorting = wdSortByName
        .ShowHidden = False
    End With
End Sub

我想要剪贴板中的内容,而不是name变量中的Heading 1.请帮助我用剪贴板内容替换Heading 1.

Instead of the Heading 1 in the name variable, I want content from the clipboard. Please help me replace that Heading 1 with clipboard content.

使用Microsoft Forms 2.0 Object Library中的DataObject:

Private Function GetClipboardData()
    Dim objDataObject As MSForms.DataObject ''need to add reference in Tools |References
    Set objDataObject = New MSForms.DataObject

    On Error Resume Next
    GetClipboardData = objDataObject.GetText
    If Err.Number = -2147221404 Then
       MsgBox "Error: current clipboard data is either empty or is not text. Clibpoard must contain text."
    End If
End Function


Then, back your main code, have the bookmark name be this clipboard data:

.Add Range:=Selection.Range, Name:=GetClipboardData()


Is this a good start for you? There are other ways which may be more robust depending on your needs. However this should serve as good proof-of-concept.