

我正在用 jest.fn 模拟两个函数:

I am mocking two functions with with jest.fn:

let first = jest.fn();
let second = jest.fn();

如何断言 firstsecond 之前调用?

How can I assert that first called before second?

我正在寻找的是类似于 sinon's . calledBefore 断言.

What I am looking for is something like sinon's .calledBefore assertion.


Update I used this simple "temporary" workaround

it( 'should run all provided function in order', () => {

  // we are using this as simple solution
  // and asked this question here https://*.com/q/46066250/2637185

  let excutionOrders = [];
  let processingFn1  = jest.fn( () => excutionOrders.push( 1 ) );
  let processingFn2  = jest.fn( () => excutionOrders.push( 2 ) );
  let processingFn3  = jest.fn( () => excutionOrders.push( 3 ) );
  let processingFn4  = jest.fn( () => excutionOrders.push( 4 ) );
  let data           = [ 1, 2, 3 ];
  processor( data, [ processingFn1, processingFn2, processingFn3, processingFn4 ] );

  expect( excutionOrders ).toEqual( [1, 2, 3, 4] );
} );

你可以安装 jest-community 的 jest-extended 包来代替你的解决方案,它通过 .toHaveBeenCalledBefore(),例如:

Instead of your workaround you can install jest-community's jest-extended package which provides support for this via .toHaveBeenCalledBefore(), e.g.:

it('calls mock1 before mock2', () => {
  const mock1 = jest.fn();
  const mock2 = jest.fn();



注意:根据他们的文档,您需要至少 v23 的 Jest 才能使用此功能


附言- 此功能是在您发布问题几个月后添加的,因此希望这个答案仍然有帮助!

P.S. - This feature was added a few months after you posted your question, so hopefully this answer still helps!