


Currently trying to solve 2 main questions in my haskell program.

  1. 显示给定用户是

  2. 显示特定演员在


This is the sample database I am currently using:

type Title = String
type Cast = String
type Year = Int
type Fans = String

type Film = (Title, [Cast], Year, [Fans])
type Database = [Film]

testDatabase :: Database
testDatabase = [("Casino Royale", ["Daniel Craig", "Eva Green", "Judi Dench"], 2006,    ["Garry", "Dave", "Zoe", "Kevin", "Emma"]),
("Cowboys & Aliens", ["Harrison Ford", "Daniel Craig", "Olivia Wilde"], 2011, ["Bill", "Jo", "Garry", "Kevin", "Olga", "Liz"]),     
    ("Catch Me If You Can", ["Leonardo DiCaprio", "Tom Hanks"], 2002, ["Zoe", "Heidi", "Jo", "Emma", "Liz", "Sam", "Olga", "Kevin", "Tim"])]    


The database is much bigger but for space reasons I omitted some of this.

  • 如何使用此数据库创建回答上述两个问题所需的函数?


type Title = String
type Actor = String
type Cast = [Actor]
type Year = Int
type Fan = String
type Fans = [Fan]
type Period = (Year, Year)
type Film = (Title, Cast, Year, Fans)
type Database = [Film]

testDatabase :: Database
testDatabase = [("Casino Royale", ["Daniel Craig", "Eva Green", "Judi Dench"], 2006, ["Garry", "Dave", "Zoe", "Kevin", "Emma"]),
                ("Cowboys & Aliens", ["Harrison Ford", "Daniel Craig", "Olivia Wilde"], 2011, ["Bill", "Jo", "Garry", "Kevin", "Olga", "Liz"]),     
                ("Catch Me If You Can", ["Leonardo DiCaprio", "Tom Hanks"], 2002, ["Zoe", "Heidi", "Jo", "Emma", "Liz", "Sam", "Olga", "Kevin", "Tim"])]

inCast :: Actor -> Film -> Bool
inCast givenActor (_, cast, _, _) = any (\actor -> actor == givenActor) cast

inPeriod :: Period -> Film -> Bool
inPeriod (periodStart, periodEnd) (_, _, year, _) = periodStart <= year && year <= periodEnd

inCastAndPeriod :: Actor -> Period -> Film -> Bool
inCastAndPeriod actor period film = inCast actor film && inPeriod period film

isFan :: Fan -> Film -> Bool
isFan givenFan (_, _, _, fans) = any (\fan -> fan == givenFan) fans

allFilmsThatAGivenUserIsAFanOf :: Fan -> [Film]
allFilmsThatAGivenUserIsAFanOf givenFan = filter (isFan givenFan) testDatabase

allTheFilmsOfAGivenActorThatWereReleasedDuringAParticularPeriod :: Actor -> Period -> [Film]
allTheFilmsOfAGivenActorThatWereReleasedDuringAParticularPeriod givenActor givenPeriod = filter (inCastAndPeriod givenActor givenPeriod) testDatabase