

我们都知道 for-in-loops 数组上的a>是绝对邪恶.仍然经常使用它们,并且导致的错误很难找到,特别是在发生与浏览器有关的情况时,例如由于indexOf -shims等.

We all know that for-in-loops on arrays are absolutely evil. Still, they are often used and the caused errors are complicated to trace down, especially when happening browser-dependent for example because of indexOf-shims or such.


So, I have coded this simple snippet which adds an enumerable getter for a "error" property on Array.prototype (not for use in production code):

Object.defineProperty(Array.prototype, "error", {
    enumerable: true,
    get: function() {
        if (this === Array.prototype) // that looks OK
            return undefined;
        if (window.confirm("Somebody who coded the site you're viewing runs through an Array with a for-in-loop.\nShame on him!\n\nDo you want to raise an Error to trace the origin?"))
            throw new SyntaxError("Array traverse with for-in-loop, touching Array.prototype's 'error' property :-)");


You can add it as a greasemonkey script for all domains, and you will see alerts on nearly every site :-) Most of them are caused by calls to jQuery.extend with questionable arguments, btw.


My question is now: Are there any situations that legitimate such "wrong" loops, or anything else causing false-positive alerts?


I am wondering how this would affect the usefulness of my code.


Yes. Legitimacy can often be subjective, but...


As an example, perhaps I have a sparse array, where I have only set values at the indexes with data:

var a = [];
a[123123] = "foo";
a[1233123] = "bar";


If I wanted to iterate over the elements that I defined in this array, then I would use the for...in construct. Even if I coded it defensively, your script would still trigger (a false positive)...

for (var prop in a) {
  if (a.hasOwnProperty(prop)) {
    // this is a legitimate array element

另请参见为什么要使用"for ... in"进行数组迭代是个坏主意吗?了解更多信息和意见.

See also Why is using "for...in" with array iteration a bad idea? for more information and opinions.