


I'm developing JS that is used in a web framework, and is frequently mixed in with other developers' (often error-prone) jQuery code. Unfortunately errors in their jQuery(document).ready blocks prevent mine from executing. Take the following simple sample:

<script type="text/javascript">
    jQuery(document).ready(function() {
        nosuchobject.fakemethod();       //intentionally cause major error
<script type="text/javascript">
    jQuery(document).ready(function() {
        alert("Hello!");                 //never executed


Shouldn't the second ready block execute regardless of what happened in the previous? Is there a "safe" way to run jQuery(document).ready that will run even in the case of previous errors?


I have no control/visibility over the error-prone blocks as they're written by other authors and mixed in arbitrarily.

我还没试过这段代码,但它应该工作(至少,这个想法应该是)。 确保在jquery之后包含它,但是在任何潜在的错误脚本之前。(没必要,请参阅注释。)

I haven't tried this code, but it should work (at least, the idea should anyway). Make sure you include it AFTER jquery, but BEFORE any potentially buggy scripts. (Not necessary, see comments.)

var oldReady = jQuery.ready;
jQuery.ready = function(){
    return oldReady.apply(this, arguments);
    // handle e ....