


I want to create a class (Array) that performs different methods on arrays. What I have so far is overloaded constructors for different types of arrays (ints, strings, etc). However this class will also need to create an array of classes, so how could I pass in a class name and have my Array class create an array of that class?


I could just hard code it in for the class I know I will make an array of but I want to make my Array class versatile enough to have this work with any class I make in the future.


public class Array<T> {
    private final T[] arr;

    public Array(final int size, final Class<T> clazz) {
        this.arr = createArray(size, clazz);

    private T[] createArray(final int size, final Class<T> clazz) {
        return (T[]) java.lang.reflect.Array.newInstance(clazz, size);


which you can call instantiate by using:

final Array<String> strings = new Array<>(5, String.class);

我也建议为您的班级使用一个不同的名称,即 Array 已被Java API使用。

I would also suggest a different name for your class as Array is already used by the Java API.