


How to create a my own script engine using c#,
i have Syntax highlighting textbox written in C# for that i need script exective
please help me


您可以使用CodeDOM来临时编译C#代码,方法是始终与可重新分发的.NET Framework的所有版本捆绑在一起的编译器.

创建使用可重载插件的WPF应用程序... [ ^ ],
动态加载用户控件 [使用CodeDom生成代码 [ AppDomain拒绝加载程序集 [创建使用可重载插件的WPF应用程序... [ ^ ].



This is quite possible.

You can use CodeDOM to compile C# code on temporary basis using the compiler always bundled with all versions of re-distributable .NET framework.

Please see some main ideas in my past solutions. You can find skeleton descriptions of all key techniques:
Create WPF Application that uses Reloadable Plugins...[^],
Dynamically Load User Controls[^],
code generating using CodeDom[^],
AppDomain refuses to load an assembly[^],
Create WPF Application that uses Reloadable Plugins...[^].

Some of the aspects I considered in the above posts are may be to complex for your purpose. Please don''t be afraid; you case could be more simple. Please read and analyze the techniques against your use cases.

Fill free the ask your follow-up question (please, after you at least look through those posts) — the problem is not too easy to understand but perhaps is not the hardest in design and implementation.


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如果您的目的是针对特定行业,目标受众构建自己的风味语言(解释或编译),这没什么不对(例如LOGO,LISP上带有Turtle Graphics的友好面孔",是用于教育).


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Turns out their may be a simpler way, taking advantage of something already in .NET, please see:[^].

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In this case, your example ''script'' code is close enough to C#, that the ''cost'' of creating a mini-parser that would turn it into ''legal'' C# would not be that high, in my opinion. But, then, you have the issue of whether your intent is to have a finite/static tool that reliably handles a small sub-set of C#/.NET FrameWork functionality, or whether you intend for this specialty script language to be extensible, to allow defining and using new constructs built-up of what you provide the end-user.

You can see in your responses here that some folks are assuming that by ''script'' you mean an interpreter, like BASIC, LOGO, PostScript, and, other responses, like mine, have assumed you mean a compiled .exe that you feed a file, and get back results, or cause side-effects, like printing.

There is a long ''distaff'' tradition in programming of creating mini-languages within languages, whose most modern recent form is the buzzword "domain specific languages." From Forth to Logo, etc. Maybe we can even view the languages that .NET supports as being ''faces'' on the underlying CIL/JIT, FrameWork, engines.

Nothing wrong if your intent is to build your own flavour language, interpreted, or compiled, specific to an industry, a target audience (as LOGO, a ''friendly-face'' on LISP with Turtle Graphics, was for education).

If you clarify your intent, and your ambitions, further, I think you''ll get even clearer responses.

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I''d like to point out that the example of your script shown here is your own creation, not C#. By the way, what language puts a semi-colon after the ''if'' statement ?

So, if you want to use the facilities in C# required to compile an assembly, and then execute methods in it:
using System.CodeDom.Compiler;
using System.Reflection;
using Microsoft.CSharp;


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You are going to have to first write a parser to translate your script language into valid C#.

When you get that done, you can find numerous examples of how to compile and execute the C# code such as:[^]. There are also examples here on CP of how to execute "snippets" of text in C#.

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Also see MS''s "How to programmatically compile code using C# compiler," a detailed walk-through on using the CSharpCodeProvider[^].

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Another strategy you might consider is to make your script language VB, and look into using the VB library in C#, specifically its ''Eval function.

Time for some homework :)

good luck, Bill

您可以使用编译器生成器.它相当复杂,但是功能强大.用C#编写的是 COCO/R ,但还有其他一些.
You can play with compiler generators. It''s quite complex, but powerful. One written in C# is COCO/R, but there are others out there.