


Is it possible to write a CUDA kernel that shows how many threads are in a warp without using any of the warp related CUDA device functions and without using benchmarking? If so, how?


Since you indicated a solution with atomics would be interesting, I advance this as something that I believe gives an answer, but I'm not sure it is necessarily the answer you are looking for. I acknowledge it is somewhat statistical in nature. I provide this merely because I found the question interesting. I don't suggest that it is the "right" answer, and I suspect someone clever will come up with a "better" answer. This may provide some ideas, however.


In order to avoid using anything that explicitly references warps, I believe it is necessary to focus on "implicit" warp-synchronous behavior. I initially went down a path thinking about how to use an if-then-else construct, (which has some warp-synchronous implications) but struggled with that and came up with this approach instead:

#include <stdio.h>
#define LOOPS 100000

__device__ volatile int test2 = 0;
__device__ int test3 = 32767;

__global__ void kernel(){

  for (int i = 0; i < LOOPS; i++){
    unsigned long time = clock64();
//    while (clock64() < (time + (threadIdx.x * 1000)));
    int start = test2;
    atomicAdd((int *)&test2, 1);
    int end = test2;
    int diff = end - start;
    atomicMin(&test3, diff);

int main() {

   kernel<<<1, 1024>>>();
   int result;
   cudaMemcpyFromSymbol(&result, test3, sizeof(int));
   printf("result = %d threads\n", result);
   return 0;


nvcc -O3 -arch=sm_20 -o t331 t331.cu

$ b b

我称之为统计,因为它需要大量的迭代( LOOPS )以产生正确的估计(32)。随着迭代计数减少,估计增加。

I call it "statistical" because it requres a large number of iterations (LOOPS) to produce a correct estimate (32). As the iteration count is decreased, the "estimate" increases.

我们可以通过取消注释在内核中注释的行来应用额外的扭曲同步杠杆。对于我的测试用例*,如果该行未注释,即使 LOOPS = 1

We can apply additional warp-synchronous leverage by uncommenting the line that is commented out in the kernel. For my test case*, with that line uncommented, the estimate is correct even when LOOPS = 1

测试用例是CUDA 5,Quadro5000,RHEL 5.5

*my test case is CUDA 5, Quadro5000, RHEL 5.5